We're recognizing heroes in our local community and hope to inspire you to do the same. The Happy Orange Project team joined with a few local elementary students to bring kindness to the local Fire Station 5, in Alexandria, VA.
Bringing joy was as easy as buying our local heroes pizza, cookies and soda. We didn't forget some fresh oranges as well. The students prepared thank you cards and had a blast exploring the firetrucks and meeting the firefighters!
We hope to inspire you to spread simple acts of kindness and think of your local community heroes! When you do, make sure to send us your story and use #happyorangeproject and #bekind in your Twitter, Instagram and Facebook posts. Join us!
How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes! ~Maya Angelou
You can discover more ideas of simple acts of kindness for every day of the year by visiting our 365 Days of Kindness page.