Happy Orange’s 1st Annual Friendsgiving


Happy Orange Project is hosting our 1st annual Friendsgiving!  What is a Friendsgiving?  Our idea of a Friendsgiving is getting a bunch of FRIENDS together and sharing, laughing, drinking all while donating to a cause near and dear to our hearts.

We are supporting the non-profit No Kid Hungry who works to ensure that every child in the United States has access to healthy food where they live, where they learn and where they play.

“1 in 6 kids in America doesn’t get the food they need every day. This takes a terrible toll on their health and development, and threatens their futures in profound ways. It also drags down our nation’s economy by perpetuating the cycle of poverty.”

Did you know that $1 from the money WE raise TOGETHER will buy 10 meals for children in hunger?? WE KNOW!!! ONLY ONE DOLLAR= TEN MEALS!!!!

On November 4th, Happy Orange is hosting a potluck Friendsgiving dinner!! We will provide a signature drink, hor’dourves, music and games! You bring your BEST dish to share!

If you can’t make the party, have no FEAR!!  You can still contribute to this AWESOME cause.

Here is the link to our fundraising page:


Let’s EAT, DRINK, DONATE and GIVE to a cause that will make a difference in our country- all while having a good time.

We will dance and play games too!! And perhaps make NEW friends!

Can’t wait to see you ALL November 4th! Let’s put our turkey pants on towards that FAT goal!  Heck, let’s BUST a GUT-together!

Kindly, Audrey, Galya and Todor