Be coachable

7 Habits of Really Happy People

You know the bunch.  They are usually smiling, seem to let the negativity of the world just slide to the wayside. They seem to be at ease with all of …

Take a Break

Take a Break

Because almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes. Including you. Source:  Medium Take a Break was last modified: January 13th, 2017 by Audrey Graziano

Go above and beyond

Exceed Expectations

Have you ever seen the “You had one job!” joke? It’s usually a picture, with a crazy error like “Please slow drively.” Or like spelling “STOP” S-O-T-P, or hanging a …

Be coachable

Be Coachable

The first trait is humility. Humility teaches that there are things we need to do that we cannot do on our own. Only humility can teach us that the most …

Show Affection

Human connection can be a comforting thing whether you are upset or just going on about your daily life. Knowing that someone cares has a big impact, and showing someone …

Realize that you are ONE OF A KIND

Realize That You Are One of a Kind

The Benefits of Self-Knowledge Maybe it’s obvious, but here in a nutshell are a few reasons why you might want to know your own nature: Happiness. You will be happier …

look for the best in a bad situtation

Look for the Best in a Bad Situation

Just as many plant species rely on the effects of the fire for growth and reproduction, we too can adapt to life’s circumstances and become more resilient and proactive. Every …

Be Prepared

Be Prepared

Insecurity arises from being unprepared. So to overcome this insecurity you must prepare yourself to a point where you feel you are ready. Once you reach this platform, it’s all about …

Stand up for what you believe

Stand up for What You Believe

The best way to stand up for a belief is to walk the walk, not just talk the talk.  If you really believe in something, then don’t just argue, do …

Learn how to appreciate art

Learn How to Appreciate Art

For someone who has not studied art, looking at a painting or a sculpture especially if its abstract, can be an experience similiar to staring at a work of art …

Be kind to your body-excercise

Be Kind to Your Body-Excercise

How much should you exercise? Many of us have certain ideas in our heads about what works best to keep us “in shape” and what does not. Five days a week, …

Un-complicate yourself, meditate

Un-Complicate Yourself, Meditate

Meditation is a simple practice available to all, which can reduce stress, increase calmness and clarity and promote happiness. Learning how to meditate is straightforward, and the benefits can come …

Be patient

Be Patient

The more patient you are with others, the likelier you are to be viewed positively by your peers and your managers, not to mention your family and friends. Source:  MindTools …

Be brave

Be Brave

In order to understand bravery, one must understand its opposite – fear. Fear is an enemy, and a cruel one at that. Most people don’t like to get to know …

Be authentic

Be Authentic

“Authenticity” is all about being real.  Genuine, not an imitation.  Read on to learn more about what it is to be authentic. Click the link for 21 quotes on authenticity. …

K.I.S.S. (and kiss)

K.I.S.S. (and kiss)

K.I.S.S. (Keep is super simple) and of course, kiss. “Genius is the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple.” C. W. Ceran There’s nothing like a romantic kiss. It …

Do what you LOVE

Do What You Love

Do what you love and enjoyment will follow. Do what you love and you will feel more fulfilled. Do what you love and the money will seem less relevant. Source: …

Be Mindful

Be Mindful

Mindfulness is the quality of fullness of attention, immediacy, non-distraction. In that sense, it is the key to life. Source:  Beliefnet Be Mindful was last modified: January 14th, 2017 by …



Travel is good for lots of things, but it can also increase mental well-being – and not just in the short-term. Whether you’re traveling for business, on a one-week family …

Share a story

Share a Story

Writing and sharing a personal story can be a profound experience for the storyteller as well as for those reading. Stories about our personal experiences can awaken our awareness, stretch …

Be Yourself

Be Yourself

Our true self is who we really are when we let go of all of the stories, labels, and judgments that we have placed upon ourselves. It is who we …

Treat Yo' Self

Treat Yo’ Self

It’s Been Three Years Since “Parks & Recreation’s” Treat Yo’ Self Episode So once again, TREAT. YO’. SELF. Source:  Buzzfeed Treat Yo’ Self was last modified: January 14th, 2017 by Audrey …

Become CPR certified

Become CPR Certified

CPR, or cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, is an important skill that everyone should learn. You do not need to be a medical professional to know or use CPR. You never know when …

Say "I'm sorry" and really mean it

Say “I’m Sorry” and Really Mean It

A genuine apology offered and accepted is one of the most profound interactions of civilized people. It has the power to restore damaged relationships, be they on a small scale, …

Slow down

Slow Down

Slow down, you move too fast You got to make the morning last Just kicking down the cobblestones Looking for fun and feeling groovy Ba da-da da-da da-da, feeling groovy …

Detach from the outcome

Detach from the Outcome

Detachment from the outcome you want to experience is vital to creating your ideal reality. To be attached is to live in the fear that what you want will not …

Say YES instead of NO

Say Yes Instead of No

Thinking outside the box is all about changing your perspective and slipping into the role of another person can support you thereby. Source:  Planet of Success Say Yes Instead of …

Share (even if you don't want to)

Share (Even If You Don’t Want To)

Sharing makes you bigger than you are. The more you pour out, the more life will be able to pour in. That can mean, advice, clothing, an idea, food, a …

Encourage someone to chase a dream

Encourage Someone to Chase a Dream

Dreams don’t have any chance of coming true unless we dream them. Source:  Goins, Writer Encourage Someone to Chase a Dream was last modified: January 14th, 2017 by Audrey Graziano

Spoil Yourself

Spoil Yourself

But to truly stay motivated, don’t be so focused that you forget the little things: You need a little indulgence along the way to help keep yourself going. 1. Buy …

Hold yourself accountable

Hold Yourself Accountable

Failing to achieve our intentions happens because of two basic elements. The first is not knowing your why- your purpose within your life mission. Once that is established and clear, …

Speak Up

Speak Up

The art of communication is not mastered by just knowing what to say and how to say it. A big factor is knowing when to say it.  So often people …

Avoid Gossip

Avoid Gossip

An old proverb tells the story of a person who repeated a rumor about a neighbor. Soon, the whole community had heard the rumor. Later, the person who spread the gossip …

Be on time

Be on time

Experts say being consistently tardy signals someone is easily distracted, disorganized, self-centered, and generally inconsiderate. Ouch. Source: Greatist Be on time was last modified: January 14th, 2017 by Audrey Graziano

Forgive yourself for wrongs you have done

Forgive yourself for wrongs you have done

You’re human, and you’ll make mistakes. If you’re truly sorry for something you’ve said or done, consider admitting it to those you’ve harmed. Speak of your sincere sorrow or regret, …

Be kind to yourself

Be kind to yourself

There’s only one person in the world you’ll always have a relationship with, and that’s yourself. Therefore, you better start making sure that you’re a good companion to yourself. Live …