Help a friend 'hunt' for a job

Help a Friend ‘Hunt’ for a Job

Job searching or not, networking can be pretty intimidating. But while you should encourage your friend to take advantage of those events to meet new contacts and potential employers, don’t …

Give someone a back rub

Give Someone a Back Rub

Find a stable, hard surface in your home and have your loved one lay down with their face towards the floor. You don’t necessarily need a professional massage table—any sturdy …

Take the middle seat

Take the Middle Seat

If you end up in a middle seat for a flight of any duration, it will help if you accept early on that it ain’t gonna be fun, easy or …

Organize a block party

Organize a Block Party

Maybe you’ve just moved to your block, or maybe you’ve lived there for several years but still don’t know most of your neighbors. Deciding to organize a party in the …

Open your home for the holidays

Open Your Home for the Holidays

If you aren’t the one feeling blue over the holidays but know someone else who is likely to be feeling that way, be sensitive and don’t overdo the merriment and good …

Show Affection

Human connection can be a comforting thing whether you are upset or just going on about your daily life. Knowing that someone cares has a big impact, and showing someone …

Share Memories

Share Memories

We share memories of the past for many reasons. By telling a sad or difficult story – perhaps a fond memory of someone we have lost since last Christmas – …

Make a homemade gift for someone

Make a Homemade Gift for Someone

Of course, just because it is homemade does not mean that you want it to look that way. Make these cute inexpensive gifts that no one will ever know are …

Compliment someone's style

Compliment Someone’s Style

“I love your sense of style.” This not only shows that you like the duds your complimentee is sporting right now, but that you’ve been noticing and appreciating their style …

Celebrate other people's success

Celebrate Other People’s Success

If you master generating genuine happiness for other people, not only will you find a cure for the envy, which can sabotage your success, but there are additional benefits as …

Go to a friends event

Go to a Friend’s Event

Whether it be a stand up gig, concert, theatre performance, or art opening,  it is kind to go out and support a pal. Source:  PixTeller      Go to a …

Wash someone's car for them

Wash Someone’s Car for Them

Not everyone likes washing the car, but we all love to drive a clean, shiny vehicle. And a cleaning the car thoroughly protects the paintwork, keeping everything shiny for longer. …

Bake someone their favorite dessert

Bake Someone Their Favorite Dessert

Ah, the cupcake. The first known recipe was published in 1796, with instructions for “a cake to be baked in small cups”. Today the grab-and-go treat is ubiquitous, and shows no …

Tell a joke

Tell a Joke

“The human race has only one effective weapon, and that is laughter.” -Mark Twain If you want to impress somebody, make them laugh. If you want to connect with someone new, …

Send Holiday Cards

Send Holiday Cards

Sending Christmas cards is a loved and anticipated holiday tradition that began all the way back in 1843, when Sir Henry Cole and John Horsley of the UK designed the …

High FIVE!

High FIVE!

Sometimes, something so awesome happens, you just need to slap your hands against someone else’s hands. It’s called a HIGH FIVE, and these are some of the best ever! Source: …

Be a conversation starter

Be a Conversation Starter

These openers work great for beginning a conversation. They’re far more interesting than the standard “Where are you from?” type questions, and they are excellent conversation builders. 1. Tell me …

Offer someone a ride who doesn't have a car

Offer Someone a Ride

Offering a friend a ride can be a treat.  Fun conversation and possible backseat driving may occur. Source:  Some life Offer Someone a Ride was last modified: January 14th, 2017 …

Share a story

Share a Story

Writing and sharing a personal story can be a profound experience for the storyteller as well as for those reading. Stories about our personal experiences can awaken our awareness, stretch …

Help someone who is trying to help you

Help Someone Who Is Trying to Help You

Receiving help can sting. Admitting that others can do what you can’t and feeling indebted to them can lead to a sense of dependence and incompetence, and even resentment towards …

Make a playlist for a friend

Make a Playlist for a Friend

Give your playlist a title and description that’ll show listeners your creativity and the spirit of your playlist. Then add genre, mood, or activity tags so people can find it …

Get back in touch with an old friend

Get Back in Touch with an Old Friend

You and Candy Sue used to be so close … braiding each other’s hair at sleepovers, giggling over prank calls to classmates and teachers, sharing a packed hotel room on …

Plan a ladies' night in

Plan a Ladies’ Night In

One proven stress-buster? Hang time with your BFFs. Source:  Glamour Plan a Ladies’ Night In was last modified: January 14th, 2017 by Audrey Graziano

Generously share your knowledge

Generously Share Your Knowledge

As John Maxwell has suggested, you need to continually look for opportunities to add value to others. Chances are that you have a level of experience and knowledge others do …

Say Good Morning

Say Good Morning

Finding cute morning greetings is a great way to kickstart your day, as well as the day of the recipient of the message. Source:  Paired Life Say Good Morning was …

Pick up the bill

Pick up the Bill

When a couple refused to sit next to a booth full of police officers at a restaurant, the cops counteracted with an act of kindness. It happened over the weekend …

Share your umbrella

Share Your Umbrella

A socially minded Hong Kong startup has come up with the fabulous idea of turning the humble umbrella into a tool for meeting new people, at the same time saving …

Share a comic strip with a friend

Share a Comic Strip with a Friend

After all, laughter is the best medicine. Source:  The Oatmeal   Share a Comic Strip with a Friend was last modified: January 14th, 2017 by Audrey Graziano

Give a kickass reccomendation

Give a Kickass Recommendation

One of the most efficient ways to support someone professionally is to give them a recommendation on LinkedIn. These recommendations are often well revered by hiring managers or potential clients. …

Pay it forward

Pay It Forward

There are numerous benefits attached to paying random acts of kindness forward and helping someone else in need. Specifically: Doing good for others can have a powerful, positive effect on …

Send a handwritten note via snail mail

Send a Handwritten Note via Snail Mail

“The tradition of writing notes and letters has been compromised by the information age, and we seldom find time for it,” says Dawn Bryan, founder of The Qualipedia, a consumer information and …

Organize a party

Organize a Party

It doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task if you plan ahead. Instead, it will be an event you can be proud of and you will help to create a …

Invite a new friend to the movies

Invite a New Friend to the Movies

Meeting new friends can be tough, often because you have the daunting task of conveying interest without conveying too much interest. So how do you ask a person out on …

Don't interrupt when someone is talking to you

Don’t Interrupt When Someone Is Talking to You

Knock Knock. Who’s there? Interrupting cow. Interrupting cow wh…?  MOOOOOOOO! Source:  Readers Digest Don’t Interrupt When Someone Is Talking to You was last modified: January 14th, 2017 by Audrey Graziano

Help a friend move

Help a Friend Move

Moving is a part of life associated with big feelings. Some moves originate in happy changes, but sometimes a move is associated with an unhappy or unwanted life change. Regardless …

Be a designated driver

Be a Designated Driver

Nah, you’re not gonna do this. We all know you’re responsible. That’s why you were chosen to be the designated driver in the first place. You won’t have a drop …

Help someone who is feeling overwhelmed

Help someone who is feeling overwhelmed

We all have days when we feel incredibly overwhelmed by everything we need to accomplish.  Below are some comforting words to help someone put things in perspective when they are …

Give someone a hug

Give someone a hug

Connections are fostered when people take the time to appreciate and acknowledge one another. A hug is one of the easiest ways to show appreciation and acknowledgement of another person. …

Avoid Gossip

Avoid Gossip

An old proverb tells the story of a person who repeated a rumor about a neighbor. Soon, the whole community had heard the rumor. Later, the person who spread the gossip …

Say Thank You

Say Thank You

It’s what your parents always remind you to say. Now you can dazzle your friends and relatives by saying it in 26 different languages. Source:  Fact Monster Say Thank You …

Gift a book that you have already read

Gift a book that you have already read

Anyone who read a book as a child knows the power of a good piece of literature. Whether it’s a fictional adventure to imaginary lands, a biographical piece with lessons …



Many people think themselves overworked and busy, and I can see why sending a reply to an RSVP is low on the list of priorities. But it is ironic that …

Before you speak, THINK

Before you speak, THINK

Before you speak, THINK… T – is it True? H – is it Helpful? I – is it Inspiring? N – is it Necessary? K – is it Kind? Source: …

Be encouraging

Be encouraging

The ability to give encouragement comes from a grateful heart.  A heart of love.  And a heart to bless others. Encouragement is a selfless activity. Those who make a point …

LISTEN. Really listen to someone

LISTEN. Really listen to someone

Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, and on the quality of your relationships …

Send a postcard to an old friend

Send a postcard to an old friend

Never, ever discount how much it means to someone to know that someone cares enough to send a personal message. Speaking by phone does have the advantage of being an …

Share an overheard compliment

Share an overheard compliment

Compliments are little gifts of love. They are not asked for or demanded. They tell a person they are worthy of notice. They are powerful gifts. But compliments work only …