Put Your Phone Away
Yes, you can! You can make a positive impact today and everyday of the year! Discover ideas and stories of simple acts of kindness. We make the world a better place when we spread happiness. Join in and share your experience!
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Put Your Phone Away
The cynical part of me is surprised you even clicked into this story: the title is “how to put your phone away.” Can’t that be answered with a one-step solution? Pick up phone; PUT IT AWAY.
Sure. But if you’ve ever tried to flip your phone over in order to be polite, only to flip it back over the second you swear you saw a tiny flash of table-reflected light, then you know that keeping it away is the hard part. I still have trouble with it. It’s on the list of Me Weekly’s Top 100 Worst Habits. But in the past month I’ve gotten so much better at it, not out of etiquette, but out of necessity. The presence of my phone wasn’t just controlling my life, it was stressing my life out.
Source: Man Repellar
Join a kindness initiative
Other Ideas
We’ve currated few other ideas so that you can choose an act that resonates with you.
How does it work?
There are infinite opportunities for kindness. We’ve currated over 365 act of kindness for every day of the year.
1. Join a kindness initiative.
You can make a positive impact today or 365 days of the year, it's really up to you!
2. Go for it!
Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.
3. Share and let it ripple!
Share on social media and inspire by encouraging others with words, images or video.