Pay the Toll for the Person behind You
Yes, you can! You can make a positive impact today and everyday of the year! Discover ideas and stories of simple acts of kindness. We make the world a better place when we spread happiness. Join in and share your experience!
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Pay the Toll for the Person behind You
I was driving over the Richmond Bridge on my birthday, feeling pretty good about myself after performing my first flying trapeze trick and knowing that I was going to pay the bridge toll for the person behind me. I jockeyed for position making sure that there was actually a car behind me to pay for. I was content with the 4-door blue sedan that was now tailgating me, though it was dark and I had no idea who the driver was.
“Today is my birthday and I want to pay for the car behind me too!” was what I told the bridge toll collector. She let out a laugh and I was on my merry way. I was giddy the whole way across the bridge; Who did I just pay the bridge tol for? Did I just make their day? Will they pay-it-forward the next time they cross the bridge? All that happiness for a mere 4 bucks! Totally worth it!
Source: Bucket List Journey
Join a kindness initiative
Other Ideas
We’ve currated few other ideas so that you can choose an act that resonates with you.
How does it work?
There are infinite opportunities for kindness. We’ve currated over 365 act of kindness for every day of the year.

1. Join a kindness initiative.
You can make a positive impact today or 365 days of the year, it's really up to you!

2. Go for it!
Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.

3. Share and let it ripple!
Share on social media and inspire by encouraging others with words, images or video.